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Machu Picchu, Patagonia & Antarctica Ultimate Adve

MS Roald Amundsen

Ihre Kreuzfahrt

30 Nächte   MS Roald Amundsen  



Route Lima, Peru - Sillustani tombs - Lake Titicaca - Andenes - Ollantaytambo - Cusco - Lima, Peru - Nazca Desert - Humboldt Penguin National Reserve, Chile - Arica Mehr


Lima, Peru

Callao is a seaside city on the Pacific Ocean in the Lima metropolitan area. Callao is Peru’s chief seaport and home to its main airport, Jorge Chávez International Airport. Callao municipality consists of the whole Callao Region, which is also coterminous with the Province of Callao

Sillustani tombs
Lake Titicaca

Andenes is the administrative centre of Andøy Municipality which is located in the Vesterålen district of Nordland county, Norway. The village of Andenes is the northernmost settlement of the island of Andøya. To the east is the island of Senja, and to the west the endless horizon of the North Atlantic Ocean.


Cusco, a city in the Peruvian Andes, was once capital of the Inca Empire, and is now known for its archaeological remains and Spanish colonial architecture. Plaza de Armas is the central square in the old city, with arcades, carved wooden balconies and Incan wall ruins. The baroque Santo Domingo Convent was built on top of the Incan Temple of the Sun (Qoricancha), and has archaeological remains of Inca stonework.

Lima, Peru

Callao is a seaside city on the Pacific Ocean in the Lima metropolitan area. Callao is Peru’s chief seaport and home to its main airport, Jorge Chávez International Airport. Callao municipality consists of the whole Callao Region, which is also coterminous with the Province of Callao

Nazca Desert
Humboldt Penguin National Reserve, Chile

Arica is a port city in northern Chile, known for its surfing beaches. Near the center, a path climbs up to Morro Arica hill, which has sweeping views and the Museo Histórico y de Armas war museum. Designed by French architect Gustave Eiffel in metal and wood, Gothic San Marcos Cathedral dates from 1876. The high plains of the Andes mountains rise to the east, home to Lauca National Park and Chungará Lake.

Iquique, Chile

Iquique is a coastal city in northern Chile, to the west of the Atacama Desert. A prosperous saltpeter mining town in the 19th century, today it’s a popular holiday destination with a tax-free port area, Pacific beaches and a seafront casino. In its historic district, an iconic 19th-century clock tower stands in Arturo Prat Square, the city’s main plaza.

La Serena

La Serena is the capital of the Coquimbo region on Chile’s coast. The city is known for its long beaches, like El Faro with its landmark Faro Monumental lighthouse, and its colonial and neo-colonial architecture. The late-Renaissance Iglesia de San Francisco is one of many churches dominating the skyline. The Archaeological Museum displays pre-Hispanic pottery and a giant stone head (moai) from Easter Island.


Valparaíso is a port city on Chile’s coast. It’s known for its steep funiculars and colorful, clifftop homes. La Sebastiana, the quirky former residence of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, is now a museum with far-reaching Pacific views. During the 19th century, an influx of European immigrants left their mark on the city’s architecture and cultural institutions, many of which congregate around downtown’s Plaza Sotomayor.


The Castro District, in Eureka Valley, is synonymous with gay culture. Revelers often spill onto the sidewalks at numerous bars, like Twin Peaks Tavern, whose floor-to-ceiling windows were revolutionary when it opened in 1972. The lavish Castro Theatre and the GLBT Historic Museum are also found here, as are homey restaurants and adult shops. On Market Street, 19th-century F-line streetcars head to Fisherman’s Wharf.

Puerto Edén

Villa Puerto Edén is a Chilean hamlet and minor port located in Wellington Island, in Natales commune, Última Esperanza Province, Magallanes Region. It is considered one of Chile’s most isolated inhabited places together with Easter Island and Villa Las Estrellas.


Patagonia is a region encompassing the vast southernmost tip of South America, shared by Argentina and Chile, with the Andes Mountains as its dividing line. The Argentine side features arid steppes, grasslands and deserts, while the Chilean has glacial fjords and temperate rainforest. Argentina’s famed RN-40 highway passes the pinnacles of Monte Fitz Roy and Perito Moreno Glacier in Los Glaciares National Park.

Puerto Natales

Puerto Natales is a port city on the Señoret Channel in Chile’s southern Patagonia. It’s the gateway to Torres del Paine National Park to the northwest, and the port for boats touring the Patagonian fjords. The Municipal Historical Museum in the city center exhibits artifacts from the region’s indigenous population. To the north is the vast Mylodon Cave, once inhabited by prehistoric, slothlike mylodons.

Chilean fjords

The southern coast of Chile presents a large number of fjords and fjord-like channels from the latitudes of Cape Horn to Reloncaví Estuary. Some fjords and channels are important navigable channels providing access to ports like Punta Arenas, Puerto Chacabuco and Puerto Natales.

Cape Horn

Cape Horn is a rocky headland on Hornos Island, in southern Chile’s Tierra del Fuego archipelago. It’s surrounded by wild seas off the southern tip of South America where the Pacific and Atlantic oceans meet. The albatross-shaped Cape Horn Monument commemorates the lives of thousands of seafarers who perished attempting to sail around the cape. A secluded lighthouse and the tiny Stella-Maris Chapel are nearby.


Antarctica, the southernmost continent and site of the South Pole, is a virtually uninhabited, ice-covered landmass. Most cruises to the continent visit the Antarctic Peninsula, which stretches toward South America. It’s known for the Lemaire Channel and Paradise Harbor, striking, iceberg-flanked passageways, and Port Lockroy, a former British research station turned museum. The peninsula’s isolated terrain also shelters rich wildlife, including many penguins

Antarctica Peninsula
Antarctica Peninsula
Antarctica Peninsula

Ushuaia is a resort town in Argentina. It’s located on the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, the southernmost tip of South America, nicknamed the “End of the World.” The windswept town, perched on a steep hill, is surrounded by the Martial Mountains and the Beagle Channel. It’s the gateway to Antarctica cruises and tours to nearby Isla Yécapasela, known as “Penguin Island” for its penguin colonies.


Ushuaia is a resort town in Argentina. It’s located on the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, the southernmost tip of South America, nicknamed the “End of the World.” The windswept town, perched on a steep hill, is surrounded by the Martial Mountains and the Beagle Channel. It’s the gateway to Antarctica cruises and tours to nearby Isla Yécapasela, known as “Penguin Island” for its penguin colonies.

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is Argentina’s big, cosmopolitan capital city. Its center is the Plaza de Mayo, lined with stately 19th-century buildings including Casa Rosada, the iconic, balconied presidential palace. Other major attractions include Teatro Colón, a grand 1908 opera house with nearly 2,500 seats, and the modern MALBA museum, displaying Latin American art.

Im Jahr 2019 erweiterte Hurtigruten seine Flotte um ein brandneues Schiff: MS Roald Amundsen. Das hochmoderne Schiff verfügt über eine neue, besonders umweltfreundliche und nachhaltige Hybridtechnologie, die den Kraftstoffverbrauch deutlich reduzieren wird – und dabei der Welt beweist, dass Hybridantrieb bei großen Schiffen möglich ist.

MS Roald Amundsen ist das erste von zwei Hybridschiffen, in seine Flotte. Die Emissionen werden durch einen Fahrbetrieb mit elektrischem Antrieb gesenkt. Eine innovative und nachhaltige Technologie reduziert den Kraftstoffverbrauch und die CO2-Emissionen der Schiffe um 20 Prozent.

MS Roald Amundsen, benannt nach dem ersten Mann, der die Antarktis durchquerte und den Südpol erreichte, weist den Weg zu einer noch nachhaltigeren Art des Reisens. Das Schiff ist speziell auf Reisen in Polargewässern ausgelegt. Es dient als komfortables Basislager auf See und bringt Abenteurer aus aller Welt auf nachhaltigste Weise zu den spektakulärsten Zielen dieses Planeten.
Kabinen und Innendesign

Die atemberaubende Landschaft spiegelt sich auch in dem aufwändigen und komfortablen Innendesign wider. Skandinavische Naturmaterialien wie Granit, Eiche, Birke und Wolle werden verwendet, um entspannte und stilvolle Kabinen und öffentliche Bereiche zu schaffen. Alle Kabinen sind Außenkabinen, 50 % verfügen über einen eigenen Balkon und die Achtersuiten verfügen über einen privaten Whirlpool im Freien mit spektakulärer Aussicht.


Eines der auffälligsten Designmerkmale im Außenbereich ist das auf zwei Ebenen angelegte Aussichtsdeck mit Innen- und Außenbereich. Dies ist der ideale Ort, um die vorbeiziehende Landschaft zu bewundern und um Wildtiere mit dem Fernglas zu beobachten.

Amundsen Science Center

Dies ist das Herzstück Ihrer Borderfahrung. Das Science Center ist ausgestattet mit modernster Technologie und High-Tech-Geräten wie Touchscreens und wissenschaftlichem Equipment. Hier treffen sich Gäste und Mitarbeiter/Crew, um Kontakte zu knüpfen und ein tieferes Verständnis für die Regionen zu erlangen, die Sie erkunden. Die flexibel nutzbare Einrichtung bietet Vortragsräume, eine kleine Bibliothek und Spezialbereiche für Workshops in Fotografie, Biologie und mehr. Hier finden Sie auch Hurtigrutens sorgsam zusammengestelltes Expeditionsteam.


MS Roald Amundsen wird drei Restaurants bieten, die allesamt vom nordischen und norwegischen Kulturerbe inspiriert sind:

Das Hauptrestaurant Aune, benannt nach dem norwegischen Schiffsausrüster und Polarexpeditions-Versorger Tinus Aune.
Fredheim – der informelle und soziale Treffpunkt des Schiffes, benannt nach einer Jagdstation auf Spitzbergen aus den 1920er Jahren.
Lindstrøm, ein Spezialitätenrestaurant, benannt nach Adolf Lindstrøm, dem bevorzugten Koch der norwegischen Polarhelden.

Nach einem Tag voller Erkundungen neuer Ziele können sich die Gäste in der eleganten Explorer Lounge oder einem großen Fitness- und Wellnesscenter entspannen und neue Kräfte tanken oder die Landschaft und die Sonnenuntergänge von den Innen- und Außenbereichen des riesigen Aussichtsdecks aus genießen – mit dem hinteren Infinity-Pool und den Whirlpools als einem der größten Highlights.

Running Track

Expedition Team



Wellness Center



30 Nächte mit der MS Roald Amundsen - - Abfahrt 08.10.2024

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