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Galápagos Islands – Nine Of The Best Isles Plus Ma

MS Santa Cruz II

Ihre Kreuzfahrt

14 Nächte   MS Santa Cruz II  



Route Lima, Peru - Lima, Peru - Cusco - Ollantaytambo - Quito - Quito - Galapágos Islands - Fernandina Island - Santa Cruz Island - Floreana Island Mehr

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Lima, Peru

Callao is a seaside city on the Pacific Ocean in the Lima metropolitan area. Callao is Peru’s chief seaport and home to its main airport, Jorge Chávez International Airport. Callao municipality consists of the whole Callao Region, which is also coterminous with the Province of Callao

Lima, Peru

Callao is a seaside city on the Pacific Ocean in the Lima metropolitan area. Callao is Peru’s chief seaport and home to its main airport, Jorge Chávez International Airport. Callao municipality consists of the whole Callao Region, which is also coterminous with the Province of Callao


Cusco, a city in the Peruvian Andes, was once capital of the Inca Empire, and is now known for its archaeological remains and Spanish colonial architecture. Plaza de Armas is the central square in the old city, with arcades, carved wooden balconies and Incan wall ruins. The baroque Santo Domingo Convent was built on top of the Incan Temple of the Sun (Qoricancha), and has archaeological remains of Inca stonework.


Quito, Ecuador’s capital, sits high in the Andean foothills at an altitude of 2,850m. Constructed on the foundations of an ancient Incan city, it’s known for its well-preserved colonial center, rich with 16th- and 17th-century churches and other structures blending European, Moorish and indigenous styles. These include the cathedral, in the Plaza Grande square, and ultra-ornate Compañia de Jesús Jesuit church.


Quito, Ecuador’s capital, sits high in the Andean foothills at an altitude of 2,850m. Constructed on the foundations of an ancient Incan city, it’s known for its well-preserved colonial center, rich with 16th- and 17th-century churches and other structures blending European, Moorish and indigenous styles. These include the cathedral, in the Plaza Grande square, and ultra-ornate Compañia de Jesús Jesuit church.

Galapágos Islands

The Galápagos Islands is a volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. It’s considered one of the world’s foremost destinations for wildlife-viewing. A province of Ecuador, it lies about 1,000km off its coast. Its isolated terrain shelters a diversity of plant and animal species, many found nowhere else. Charles Darwin visited in 1835, and his observation of Galápagos‘ species later inspired his theory of evolution.

Fernandina Island

Fernandina Island is the third largest, and youngest, island of the Galápagos Islands, as well as the furthest west. Like the others, the island was formed by the Galápagos hotspot. The island is an active shield volcano that has most recently been erupting since April 11, 2009

Santa Cruz Island

Santa Cruz Island is the largest of the Channel Islands, off the coast of Southern California. Its many sea caves include the vast Painted Cave, on the northwestern side. The island has many trails, including around Scorpion Canyon, with opportunities to see the island scrub jays. Scorpion Beach features kelp forests. Smugglers Cove has tide pools. Cavern Point offers Pacific Ocean views and seasonal whale sightings.

Floreana Island
Baltra Island, Santa Cruz Island

Baltra Island, or Isla Baltra, is a small island of the Galápagos Islands. Also known as South Seymour, Baltra is a small flat island located near the center of the Galápagos. It was created by geological uplift. The island is very arid and vegetation consists of salt bushes, prickly pear cactus and palo santo trees.

Santiago Island
Bartolomé, Island of Santiago

Bartolomé Island is a volcanic islet in the Galápagos Islands group, just off the east coast of Santiago Island. It is one of the „younger“ islands in the Galápagos archipelago.

Genovesa Island
Santa Cruz Island

Santa Cruz Island is the largest of the Channel Islands, off the coast of Southern California. Its many sea caves include the vast Painted Cave, on the northwestern side. The island has many trails, including around Scorpion Canyon, with opportunities to see the island scrub jays. Scorpion Beach features kelp forests. Smugglers Cove has tide pools. Cavern Point offers Pacific Ocean views and seasonal whale sightings.

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14 Nächte mit der MS Santa Cruz II - - Abfahrt 14.02.2025

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