HOTELS DESIGNED FOR YOUThe seaside resort of Warnemünde, a district of the Hanseatic city of Rostock, was mentioned in a document as early as 1195. The name of the place is derived from the Warnow River, which flows into the Baltic Sea here. With its 150 m wide sandy beach, Warnemünde has the widest beach on the German Baltic Sea coast. At the same time, you can experience the flourishing life of the Baltic Sea metropolis and discover numerous sights before you get on your ship and set sail. Because Warnemünde cruises is, like Hamburg, a gateway to the world. With the AIDAmar and the AIDAdiva you can set off from here to exciting destinations: with Northern Europe cruises, for example to Scandinavia, the Baltic States or the British Isles. Transatlantic cruises also start or end here.
The Free City of Danzig was a semi-autonomous city-state that existed between 1920 and 1939, consisting of the Baltic Sea port of Danzig and nearly 200 towns and villages in the surrounding areas.
Culture, tradition and shallow landscapes adorn the Danish island of Bornholm. Located in the middle of the Baltic Sea, it has always been shaped by the sea; Fishing and shipping became the islands main sources of income early on. On your Baltic Sea cruise, your ship will stop in Rønne, the capital and center of Bornholm. Also written Rönne in German, the idyllic port city with its colorful houses on the west coast of the island welcomes you.
The seaside resort of Warnemünde, a district of the Hanseatic city of Rostock, was mentioned in a document as early as 1195. The name of the place is derived from the Warnow River, which flows into the Baltic Sea here. With its 150 m wide sandy beach, Warnemünde has the widest beach on the German Baltic Sea coast. At the same time, you can experience the flourishing life of the Baltic Sea metropolis and discover numerous sights before you get on your ship and set sail. Because Warnemünde cruises is, like Hamburg, a gateway to the world. With the AIDAmar and the AIDAdiva you can set off from here to exciting destinations: with Northern Europe cruises, for example to Scandinavia, the Baltic States or the British Isles. Transatlantic cruises also start or end here.
Gothenburg, Swedens second largest city with 570,000 inhabitants, welcomes its guests with the unmistakable charm of a Swedish port city. Modernity and nostalgia go hand in hand here. Experience one of the most beautiful cities in Sweden on a Scandinavian cruise, which with its almost Mediterranean city flair stands in exciting contrast to its rural surroundings.
Kopenhagen vereint lebendige Moderne mit der beschaulichen Idylle eines kleinen Königreichs. Tauchen Sie auf Ihrer Schiffsreise durch Nordeuropa ein in die typisch nordische Gastfreundschaft der Dänen und erleben Sie das maritime Flair der Hauptstadt Kopenhagen. Seien Sie bei Ihrem Besuch in der dänischen Hauptstadt gespannt auf das Zusammenspiel aus spannender Architektur, außergewöhnlichem Design und traditionellem dänischen Hansebrauchtum. Lassen Sie sich in der Stadt am Øresund, der Meerenge zwischen Dänemark und Schweden, von der Ausstrahlung der kleinen Meerjungfrau, dem Freigeist des Freistaates Christiania oder den märchenhaften Geschichten von Hans Christian Andersen verzaubern und genießen Sie den salzigen Geruch der Meeresluft in einem der schönen Cafés und Kneipen im Stadtteil Nyhavn. Lernen Sie Kopenhagen lieben!
The seaside resort of Warnemünde, a district of the Hanseatic city of Rostock, was mentioned in a document as early as 1195. The name of the place is derived from the Warnow River, which flows into the Baltic Sea here. With its 150 m wide sandy beach, Warnemünde has the widest beach on the German Baltic Sea coast. At the same time, you can experience the flourishing life of the Baltic Sea metropolis and discover numerous sights before you get on your ship and set sail. Because Warnemünde cruises is, like Hamburg, a gateway to the world. With the AIDAmar and the AIDAdiva you can set off from here to exciting destinations: with Northern Europe cruises, for example to Scandinavia, the Baltic States or the British Isles. Transatlantic cruises also start or end here.
7 Nächte mit der AIDAmar - - Abfahrt 27.04.2025
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