HOTELS DESIGNED FOR YOUThe seaside resort of Warnemünde, a district of the Hanseatic city of Rostock, was mentioned in a document as early as 1195. The name of the place is derived from the Warnow River, which flows into the Baltic Sea here. With its 150 m wide sandy beach, Warnemünde has the widest beach on the German Baltic Sea coast. At the same time, you can experience the flourishing life of the Baltic Sea metropolis and discover numerous sights before you get on your ship and set sail. Because Warnemünde cruises is, like Hamburg, a gateway to the world. With the AIDAmar and the AIDAdiva you can set off from here to exciting destinations: with Northern Europe cruises, for example to Scandinavia, the Baltic States or the British Isles. Transatlantic cruises also start or end here.
Before entering the port of Stockholm on a cruise through the Baltic Sea, your ship travels for several hours through the offshore archipelago. You should definitely experience this special experience on deck. The city has 14 islands that are shielded by the archipelago and countless islets from the open sea. So it is not surprising that Stockholm is also known as the “Venice of the North”. The Swedish capital is rich in sights and presents itself to visitors as a cosmopolitan and modern metropolis. Go ashore and capture the flair of the Nordic metropolis yourself.
Gotland gehört nicht nur zu den größten, sondern auch zu den schönsten Inseln der Ostsee – die Naturlandschaft bietet zahlreichen Vogelarten ein Zuhause. Lassen Sie sich vom Charme unberührter Steilküsten und blühender Orchideenwiesen begeistern. Die Hansestadt Visby glänzt als Weltkulturerbe mit zahlreichen mittelalterlichen Bauten, umgeben von einer fast vollständig erhaltenen Stadtmauer. Das vielleicht berühmteste Haus Schwedens können Sie im Vergnügungspark Kneippbyn besichtigen: das Originalgebäude der Villa Kunterbunt aus den Pippi-Langstrumpf-Verfilmungen.
The seaside resort of Warnemünde, a district of the Hanseatic city of Rostock, was mentioned in a document as early as 1195. The name of the place is derived from the Warnow River, which flows into the Baltic Sea here. With its 150 m wide sandy beach, Warnemünde has the widest beach on the German Baltic Sea coast. At the same time, you can experience the flourishing life of the Baltic Sea metropolis and discover numerous sights before you get on your ship and set sail. Because Warnemünde cruises is, like Hamburg, a gateway to the world. With the AIDAmar and the AIDAdiva you can set off from here to exciting destinations: with Northern Europe cruises, for example to Scandinavia, the Baltic States or the British Isles. Transatlantic cruises also start or end here.
Gothenburg, Swedens second largest city with 570,000 inhabitants, welcomes its guests with the unmistakable charm of a Swedish port city. Modernity and nostalgia go hand in hand here. Experience one of the most beautiful cities in Sweden on a Scandinavian cruise, which with its almost Mediterranean city flair stands in exciting contrast to its rural surroundings.
Direkt am Oslofjord gelegen, verzaubert die Nordmetropole Oslo mit faszinierender Natur. Zerklüftete Ufer und bewaldete Berge wechseln sich ab mit den beeindruckenden Buchten rund um Oslo. Die norwegische Hauptstadt zieht aber auch Architekturliebhaber in ihren Bann. Das königliche Schloss, der dazugehörige Park und die moderne Osloer Oper zeugen von dem ganz besonderen architektonischen Gespür der Hafenstadt. Genießen Sie aber auch die nordische Gelassenheit der Stadt und nehmen Sie sich Zeit für einige der typisch norwegischen Leckerbissen in einem der vielen Restaurants in Acker Brygge. Freuen Sie sich auf den spannende Kombination aus Hauptstadt und Naturerlebnis in Oslo!
The seaside resort of Warnemünde, a district of the Hanseatic city of Rostock, was mentioned in a document as early as 1195. The name of the place is derived from the Warnow River, which flows into the Baltic Sea here. With its 150 m wide sandy beach, Warnemünde has the widest beach on the German Baltic Sea coast. At the same time, you can experience the flourishing life of the Baltic Sea metropolis and discover numerous sights before you get on your ship and set sail. Because Warnemünde cruises is, like Hamburg, a gateway to the world. With the AIDAmar and the AIDAdiva you can set off from here to exciting destinations: with Northern Europe cruises, for example to Scandinavia, the Baltic States or the British Isles. Transatlantic cruises also start or end here.
10 Nächte mit der AIDAmar - - Abfahrt 28.06.2026
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